词典a type of classical Chinese writing:词赋。
1. 如果说庾信向人们展示了如何在词赋的严苛对偶格式下体现出婉转优美的话,苏东坡则成功地柔化和融解了这种僵硬的骈偶形式,磨光了其棱角,使生硬的对偶调和无间。
While Yü Sin shows how supple he can be in spite of the cramping antithetical style of the Fu, Su succeeds in softening and thawing this rigid style, smoothing over its angularity and making the sharp points of the riming antitheses melt into one another.
2. 他虽不及苏门四学士名高才重,但是其诗文词赋在当时便有很高声誉。
Although he was not as famous as the four excellent students of SuShi, his poetry and songs have a high reputation at the time.
3. 词赋在线翻译
3. 刘为金代著名学者,首位词赋状元,当时名士多出于其门下,号称“一世师宗”。
Liu Wei, who got a first in the highest imperial examination, was a famous scholar in Jin Dynasty.
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. 英汉流行语大都来源于三种途径:运用本民族的语言材料构造新词,旧词赋新义和借用其他民族的语言。
It explores the three sources of catchwords both in English and Chinese, such as creating catchwords with native word elements, adding new meanings to existing words, and borrowing words from other languages.
5. 词赋在线翻译
5. 早在西汉时期,蜀地就出现了名声享誉全国的词赋大家司马相如和扬雄。
As early as the Western Han Dynasty, Sichuan emerged national well-known writers like Sima Xiangru and Yang Xiong.
6. 韩愈和柳宗元的一些词赋名篇只是对前代作品的生硬模仿,所以只能算是二流之作。
The famous prose-poems by Han Yu and Liu Tsung-yuan are all stiff-jointed imitative and second-rate.