

诘屈聱牙[jí qū áo yá]


诘屈聱牙 双语例句

1. 诘屈聱牙什么意思

1. 当你尝试研究这些专利时,你会发现它们充满了诘屈聱牙的法律语言,极其晦涩难懂。
    When you try studying these patents, you will discover they are very hard to understand as they are written in tortuous legal language, whose meaning is very hard to understand.

2. 通顺 就是译文语言必须通顺易懂,符合规范,没有语言晦涩、诘屈聱牙的现象,没有文理不通、结构混乱、逻辑不清的现象。
    Every country is the best judge of what is required to safeguard its national security.

3. 这种返璞归真的艺术追求不仅为小说创作,或许也为当今越来越诘屈聱牙的文学批评提供了某种启示。
    The plain style of his artistic pursuit provides inspiration not only for novel writing but also for literary criticism, which is becoming more and more recondite.

4. 有些人则是通过改良写作形式,宣扬白话文运动,以期革除崇尚诘屈聱牙之古文所必然衍生的精英主义。
    Some focused on reform of the Chinese writing style by using contemporary vernacular speech patterns in works of literature, thus putting an end to the inevitable elitism that accompanied the mastery of the intensely difficult classical Chinese.