

话锋[huà fēng]

词典thread of discourse话锋;谈锋;话茬儿;话碴儿。

词典topic of conversation话锋;谈资;谈助;话题。

话锋 汉英大词典

话锋[huà fēng]

thread of discourse; topic of conversation:


    switch the conversation to some other subject

话锋 双语例句

1. 话锋是什么意思

1. 然后,突然把话锋一转,又说自己干不了那种活。
    And then coup de grace, his admission that he couldn't handle the job.

2. 话锋的反义词

2. 我希望我们可以知道多一点-好的,跟着我的话锋
    I wish we could get more information.- All right, just follow my lead.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 有如此活跃的话锋恰恰是这门学科的迷人之处。
    Just what is this fascinating science that is the center of so much activity?

4. 话锋的翻译

4. 但是后来,他话锋犀利起来,开始强烈地抨击对手的观点。
    But later, he took off his gloves and criticized his opponents'idea violently.

5. 话锋是什么意思

5. 但是女的话锋变了下,说了 Jim 不太可靠,而且总是迟到。
    But then she changes her tone, saying Jim`s sort of unreliable and always comes late.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 话锋再次一转,针对上一段的lonely,虽然是和科技发展共存的,但并非科技发展导致了人们更加孤单。
    This condition, however, is not really caused by these new technologies.

7. 随着辩论接近尾声,布什把话锋转向人格问题。
    As the debate drew to a close, Bush took on the question of character.

8. 话锋

8. 凯文话锋试图给我多少,他融资交易。
    Kevin changed the subject by trying to give me numbers for his refinancing deal.

9. 她话锋一转,锐利地指向那对平庸的夫妇。
    She aimed her voice very pointedly at the colourless couple.

10. 她就是这种不顾自己的人,又把话锋转向我的姐姐,并且起身忙着去眼侍她,使她休息得更舒服一些。
    It was like her self-forgetfulness, to transfer the remark to my sister, and to get up and be busy about her, making her more comfortable;

11. 他把话锋转了。
      He switched the thread of conversation to some other subject.

12. 话锋

12. 随着辩论接近尾声,布什把话锋转向人格问题。
      A: As the debate drew to a close, Bush took on the question of character.

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13. 士兵和警察大喊,他回忆说,但他们的话锋很快就变了:你有多少东西?
      Soldiers and police officers yelled, he recalled, but the conversation quickly took on a different turn: What do you got?

14. 她谈话善转话锋
      She has a mercurialturn of conversation.

15. 事实上,它结束时,话锋已变。
      Our session, in fact, ends on a dramatic note.

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16. 财政部长盖特纳说,经济方面有一些令人鼓舞的迹象,不过他很快话锋一转,调降人们的期望值。
      Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner says there are some encouraging signs about the economy, but he was quick to temper expectations.

17. 主菜上来后,话锋转向不太和谐的话题。
      After the main dishes arrive, the conversation takes a less comfortable turn.

18. 话锋

18. 结果Jon话锋一转说“奥斯卡电影学院经常忽略那些不怎么好看的电影!”
      (Audience applause) Too often the Academy ignores movies that aren't good. (Audience