


词典narrow scrutiny细审。

详审 网络解释

1. sift:每年大约有5000项案件呈交到最高法院,这些案件都必须阅读(read),精选(cull),详审(sift). 每个星期四下午和每个星期五早晨九位最高法官会聚在一起召开会议. 在会议室中还有二十五辆手拉车,其中都装满了诉状(petition),

2. 详审什么意思

2. scrutiny:scruple#踌躇;顾忌 | scrutiny#详审 | scuff#拖足而走

3. 详审

3. sift v:sieve n.筛子v.筛,筛选 | sift v.筛,筛分,区分;细查,详审 | sigh n.叹息,叹息声v.叹息,叹气

详审 双语例句

1. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

1. 但这笔交易是否仍需寻求详审石油合同的内阁委员会批准,昨日尚不清晰。
    But it was not clear yesterday whether the deal would still require the approval of a cabinet committee that has sought to scrutinise oil agreements.

2. 你也会详审自己是怎么花钱的。
    You'll also scrutinize how you spend money.

3. 他简单地详审出他们的果核方面描绘确定的位置不越出他的系统。
    He simply sifts out their core aspects to depict certain positions within his system.

4. 他躺在沙滩上用手筛砂子玩。2。细查,详审
    He lay on the beach, sifting the sand through his fingers.

5. 陪审团详审了证据以确定那个男人是否有罪。
    The jury sifted the evidence to decide if the man was guilty.

6. 详审的翻译

6. 我们都是来进行审判的,代表国会选举人进行审判,当我们对立法进行详审时,必须准备好审查我们自己事情,以及我们怎么使用和花费纳税人的钱。
    It was We are all there to exercise judgements, judgements on behalf of their stagementconstituents, judgements when we scrutinize legislation. We we have to be prepared to exercise judgments over our own affairs, and how we spend and use tax-payers'money.

7. 其二,详审刑狱是其设置的直接目的;
    Objective second, the direct purpose is to examine the penalty cases;