

诳语[kuáng yǔ]

词典lies谎言;谎言( lie的名词复数 );位置;假象。

词典falsehood<正> 谎言,假话,虚假。

诳语 汉英大词典

诳语[kuáng yǔ]

lies; falsehood

诳语 双语例句

1. 但事实上,你们看到的报导都是谎言与诳语
    The fact of the matter is that much of what you're reading are lies and exaggerations.

2. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

2. 真是的……扎伊采夫始终想要维护一下她女孩子家的尊严,然而爱莲娜说了,事实如此,总不能叫他打诳语
    Zaitsev she always want to safeguard the dignity of the girls home, but Elaine said, this is true can not deceive him fighting words.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 费萨尔亲王近段时间以来一直在与吉列特商谈相关事宜,他甚至还被邀请现场观看了利物浦主场6-1大胜赫尔城的比赛,尽管因诳语百出而臭名昭著的吉列特一再强调此行与收购无关,但种种迹象表明,这位美国老板将会在下周飞往中东准备出售自己手中持有的50%的利物浦股份。
    Prince Faisal has been in talks with George Gillett in recent weeks and was a guest at the recent Hull City match at Anfield, although Gillett – being the liar he is – denied investment was on the agenda when they met. Reports suggest Gillett will fly to the Middle East next week to for more negotiations over selling his 50% stake in the club.

4. 诳语的翻译

4. 或许这有违直觉,但研究表明这并非诳语
    Counterintuitive, perhaps, but research shows it to be true.

5. 黛玉道:“禅门第一戒是不打诳语的。”
    Daiyu said: " The first Buddhist discipline for Buddhist is not to be lie. "

6. 黛玉道:“禅门第一戒是不打诳语的。”
    Daiyu said: " The first Buddhist discipline for Buddhist is not to be lie. "