

诵咏[sònɡ yǒnɡ]


诵咏 双语例句

1. 诵咏的翻译

1. 经典的产生都要经过相当漫长的时间,通过历史的积淀与考验,大浪淘沙,千锤百炼,真金闪烁,终成正果,堂皇步入经典之殿堂,被后代景仰供奉,反复诵咏,成为文化传统中的瑰宝和精华、文明的象征。
    Production of the classic to go through quite a long period of time, through the accumulation of history and tests, Ebb Tide, tempered, genuine gold flashes, and eventually became immortal, into the classic grand hall, was dedicated to future generations admired and repeated chanting of chants, become a cultural tradition a gem and essence, a symbol of civilization.