

诵持 双语例句

1. 诵持

1. 在金山圣寺,我有一个徒弟,他早晨做早课随著诵〈楞严咒〉,晚间做晚课我们也诵持〈楞严咒〉,那麼早晚这麼念一念,他念到二十六天,就能背得出来了。
    The first test I gave to my students in America was on the Shurangama Mantra.

2. 他说西方人哪一个也不相信〈楞严咒〉,他们都不愿意诵持咒的,他们对於咒认为是迷信,不相信咒的这种功用。
    After coming to this Western country--the United States, I personally realized that there are many Westerners who love to chant the Shurangama Mantra.

3. 诵持的解释

3. 你能常诵持这〈六字大明咒〉,就有六道光明能把六道轮回的黑暗变成光明。
    If you are able to constantly recite the Six-Character...

4. 是什麼呢?你能常诵持这〈六字大明咒〉,就有六道光明能把六道轮回的黑暗变成光明。
    What is it? If you are able to constantly recite and maintain the Six-Character Great Bright Mantra, there will be six paths of light changing the darkness of the six paths into brightness.

5. 那么现在等我到西方国家,到美国,我亲身的经验,在西方人里,很多很多都是欢喜诵持〈楞严咒〉的。
    At Gold Mountain Monastery, I had a disciple who joined us in reciting the Shurangama Mantra during morning recitation and again during evening recitation.

6. 他向会众保证,除了对〈大悲咒〉起疑不信者,诵持〈大悲咒〉而堕三恶道、诵持〈大悲咒〉却不生佛国、诵持〈大悲咒〉仍不消灭罪障,他誓不成正觉。
    And he has vowed that he will not attain enlightenment if anyone who believes in and recites the mantra falls into the three evil paths instead of going to the Buddhalands, or is unable to eliminate their karma.

7. 我不是佛门弟子,但我相信、学习佛经的哲学思想;我不相信迷信,但我相信经高僧诵持或开光的物事具有灵异。
    I am not a Buddhist disciple, but I believe that learning Buddhist philosophy; I do not believe in superstition, but I believe that by the monk or the诵持therein with a supernatural light.