1. 谈天在线翻译
1. fat-chewing:fat 脂肪 | fat-chewing 谈天 | fat-faced 面孔圆胖的
2. chat vi:bench n. 长凳 | chat vi. 谈天 | under prep. 在...下面
3. babili:谈判:trakti | 谈天:babili | 谈心:interparoli
4. 911查询·英语单词
4. Chatting:Jogging - 慢跑, | Chatting - 谈天 .... | Movie -电影,
1. 他卸下长久以来的心防,在一次谈天。
Jack, I got a work. Them earlier days I used a quit the jobs.
2. 谈天的解释
2. 伟烈亚力在中国期间,先后撰写和翻译了《数学启蒙》、《微积分拾级》、《谈天》、《几何原本》后9卷等重要的介绍西方科技的著作,将西方最新的数学、天文学等方面的知识带到了中国。
Alexander Wylie wrote and translated many technical works such as Elementary Mathematics, Infinitesimal Calculus Ladder, Talking about Astronomy, Original Geometry Book and etc during the period he stayed in China.
3. 途中 Walking 梁遇春 Liang Yvchun 今天是个潇洒的秋天,飘着零雨,我坐在电车里,看到沿途店里的伙计们差不多都是懒洋洋地在那里谈天,看报,喝茶——喝茶的尤其多,因为今天实在有点冷起来了。
The air today is crisp and clean only with occasional raindrops. I sit in the trolleybus, observing the salesclerks tittle-tattling, browsing newspaper and drinking tea.
4. 谈天在线翻译
4. 在后来的几年,努尔曾到怀俄明州,和我们一起度假,跟着大家一起唱歌;我有一次也曾到他们位于马里兰州的家中参加侯赛因的生日宴会;希拉里和努尔经常谈天说地。
In the years ahead, Noor would join us in vacation sing-alongs in Wyoming; I would go to their home in Maryland for one of Hussein`s birthday parties; and Hillary and Noor would talk often.
5. 谈天
5. 我的骨灰被洒在了我曾闲庭信步的草地里,我曾乘凉庇荫的大树下,我曾爱慕艳羡的玫瑰上,我曾谈天说地的栅栏旁。
And beside fences I once gossiped over.
6. 谈天的反义词
6. 我的骨灰被洒在我曾经走过的草地里,为我挡风遮雨的树下,在我爱的那些玫瑰花上,在我曾经谈天说地的栅栏旁。
My ashes were spread over grass I had once walked on. Beneath trees that had once gave me shade. On top of roses I once admired. And beside fences I once gossiped over.
7. 谈天是什么意思
7. 少女们在路上一边谈天,一边等待迟到了一个小时的朋友。
Teenage girls gather to gossip on the pavement whilst waiting for a friend who is 1 hour late.
8. 讲诉自己的故事,分享自己的经历,谈天说地,海侃神聊。
Telling my stories and sharing my experience are easy to killtime.
9. 谈天的翻译
9. 他和卢老师一起择菜、做家务,一起谈天,谈到了他的家庭、他的母亲和那一只鹰的故事,谈到了他即将毕业面对的职业生涯。
He picked out vegetables and did housework along with teacher Lu; they talked about his family, his mother, the story about an eagle, and his forthcoming career after graduation.
10. 谈天是什么意思
10. 他和卢老师一起择菜、做家务,一起谈天,谈到了他的家庭、他的母亲和那一只鹰的故事,谈到了他即将毕业面对的职业生涯。
They talked together, about liubei's family, his mother and the story about that little eagle, also about the professional career that he will face after the graduation.
11. 他喜欢谈天,谁是听者都不在乎。这也是从1。
He is fond of talking and anyone will do for a listener.
12. 她看了看吉英,看看她是不是受得了,只见,吉英正在安安静静地跟彬格莱先生谈天。
She looked at Jane, to see how she bore it; but Jane was very composedly talking to Bingley.
13. 我发现我跟一个住在湖那边的朋友隔湖谈天,简直是一种了不得的奢侈。
I have found it a singular luxury to talk across the pond to a companion on the opposite side.
14. 谈天的意思
14. 他与她,相识在网络,他与她,交谈在QQ,由相识,相交开始,谈天说地叹生活,褒时贬世议命运,不因空间的距离,不因网络的虚拟,倾吐,诉说,相劝,互助。
He and she, the acquaintance in the network, he and she, talks in QQ, by the acquaintance, the intersection starts, to talk of this and that sighs the life, praises when censures the world to discuss the destiny, because of the spatial distance, because of network hypothesized, does not pour out, relates, persuades, cooperation.
15. 导读:侯白经常与尚书令杨素在一起谈天说地,戏弄玩耍,尽欢极乐,往往从早晨一直谈到晚上才能回家。一天晚上,侯白刚走出尚书省大门,恰逢杨素之子杨玄感。玄感一把拉
Hou Bai often talks of everything together with element of Ling Yang of a high official in ancient China, make fun of amuse oneself, use up joyous ecstasy, often speak of all the time from the morning ability comes home in the evening.
16. 谈天的近义词
16. 现在请牢牢记住你还是很聪明,因此你可以和那个崇拜你的人谈天论地。
Bear in mind that you are still CLEVER, so you can talk to this person about any subject under the sun.
17. 谈天的反义词
17. 双子:忙着和长辈谈天论地,直到连他们自己也被搞懵了。
Gemini: Engages in intellectual conversations with the older relatives until they become cranky with confusion.
18. 谈天的意思
18. 要是实在无聊,喝几杯啤酒壮壮胆,随便拉一个老外就开始谈天论地起来。
If you really have nothing to do, you can drink beers, which will make you talkative.
19. 很难想象这位仁兄,他大部分时间总是待在更衣室里,而不大去跟记者们,队友们,或者工作人员们谈天论地。
It`s hard to imagine considering he mostly keeps to himself in the locker room, rarely speaking to reporters, fellow players or locker room attendants.
20. 想象一下,如果没有手机,我们如何随心所欲地与亲人保持联系呢;如果没有网络,我们又如何与远在异国他乡的朋友谈天论地;如果没有高清晰的电视技术,我们又如何享受华丽的好莱坞电影?
Imagine, if no cell phones, how we follow one's inclinationsly and relatives; keep in touch? If not, how do we network with the friends in a foreign country to chat about, If no high-definition television technology, how can we enjoy magnificent Hollywood movies?