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1. 如果不是希望在回来之后谈述自己的经历,我们不会仅为了观赏景物而去做一次海上旅行。
We would not take a sea voyage for the sole pleasure of seeing without hope of eve telling.
2. 在此,笔者并不打算谈述有关技巧方面,因 Raymond 之网站内已有非常好的展示及资料。
I will not go into technical details here as Raymond has already done that in admirable details.
3. 在后工业化时期的论述,不论是从Beck(1998)所谈述的「无工作资本主义」、Rifkin(1995)「工作的终结」及Mishra(1999)「服务业就业机会的消失」,皆认为科技全球化使得现代社会的工作与就业机会逐渐消逝。
The discourse of post-industry, from Beck`s(1998) Jobless capitalism` Rifkin`s(1995) The End of Work` and Mishra`s(1999) The disappearance of opportunities in Services`, which indicated the technical globalization promotes the decline of jobs and employment opportunities.
4. 本文就此对蜂蜜的质量检测及注意事项进行简要谈述。
This paper will briefly discuss the quality testing of honey and items to be noticed.
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5. 然后去谈述自己有多么可怜?
And talk about how pathetic I am?
6. 谈述的意思
6. 这场讲座将谈述在资产规划中经常有的十大错误,涵盖:失能状况的信讬处理、所有权人、免税转移、合格的计画、慈善捐助等。
This seminar will cover the ten mistakes that are made most often in estate planning, which include Incapacity, Ownership, Tax Free Transfers, Qualified Plans, Charities, etc.