1. 谷米的反义词
1. 有卖扁豆、小麦粉、蒸谷米、咖喱粉、鹰嘴豆和洗漱用品的。
They sell lentils, wheat-flour, parboiled rice, curry powders, chickpeas and toiletries.
2. 谷米的解释
2. 谷米类小食-包括:粟米片/爆谷/燕麦片等
Corn chips/popcon/oat etc.
3. 印度到马来半岛出产的鱼尾状,;树出产一种红糖,树干的木髓出产西谷米。
Fishtail of India to Malay Peninsula sap yields a brown sugar jaggery and trunk pith yields sago.
4. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D
4. 印度到马来半岛出产的鱼尾状棕榈,;树汁出产一种红糖,树干的木髓出产西谷米。
Fishtil palm of India to Malay Peninsula sap yields a brown sugar jaggery and trunk pith yields sago.
5. 谷米
5. 印度到马来半岛的鱼尾状棕榈,;树汁一种红糖,树干的木髓西谷米。
Fishtail palm of India to Malay Peninsula sap yields a brown sugar jaggery and trunk pith yields sago.
6. 普遍禁止用谷米煮酒熬糖,糟行糖行叫苦不迭。
The use of grain for distilling spirits and making sugar is everywhere prohibited, and the distillers and sugar-refiners are constantly complaining.
7. 他们必须谷米、蒸或油炸或麻油玉米轻轻在不登大雅之堂。
They must be parboiled, steamed or fried lightly in unrefined corn or sesame oil.
8. 谷米
8. 蒸谷米具有营养价值高、加工品质好、出饭率高、易储藏等优点。
Parboiled rice has many merits, such as high value of nutrition, good quality, and easy for storage.
9. 印度到马来半岛出产的鱼尾状棕榈,;树汁出产一种红糖(棕榈粗),树干的木髓出产西谷米。
Fishtail palm of India to Malay Peninsula; sap yields a brown sugar (jaggery) and trunk pith yields sago.
10. 谷米的反义词
10. 各种热带亚洲棕榈树的任意一种,其树干出产西谷米。
Any of various tropical Asian palm trees the trunks of which yield sago.
11. 马来西亚羽状叶棕榈,基部包裹纤维,;其出产用于酿酒的甜美树汁,树干的木髓出产西谷米。
Malaysian feather palm with base densely clothed with fibers; yields a sweet sap used in wine and trunk pith yields sago.
12. 对浸泡、蒸煮、干燥等湿热处理对蒸谷米品质的影响进行了研究。
The Effect of sequential soaking, boiling and drying process on the quality of parboiled rice was studied.
13. 酶法提取蒸谷米糠蛋白的响应面分析
The Enzymatic Extraction of Parboiled Rice Bran Protein was Analysed with Response Surface
14. 谷米
14. 您了说越国为啥能胜呢?蒸谷米作为其最重要的物质方面原因是无法忽略的。
So, what do you say for the victory of State Yue? Parboiled rice, being the crucial material factor, can never be neglected.
15. 中国蒸谷米产业发展分析
Analysis of Parboiled Rice Development in China
16. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD
16. 介绍了中粮(江西)米业有限公司的蒸谷米生产工艺。
The producing techniques of parboiled rice of COFCO Jiangxi Rice Processing Limited are introduced.
17. 谷米是什么意思
17. 浅色蒸谷米生产工艺研究
Study on the process of light color parboiled rice
18. 介绍了多元化的稻米产品,如蒸谷米、胚芽米、营养强化米、发芽糙米、降血糖大米等;
This paper introduces the multiple products of rice such as parboiled rice, germinated rice, enriched rice, germinated brown rice and blood-sugar-reducing rice etc;
19. 对目前国际蒸谷米的市场进行了分析,并对加入WTO后中国蒸谷米的出口面临的机遇做出了初步探讨。
Analyzing of international parboiled rice market in present, and have made initial inquiries about parboiled-rice export facing opportunity after China accede to WTO.
20. 蒸谷米生产工艺简析
Analysis of producing techniques of parboiled rice