1. 在狱中他给新婚妻子与母亲各写了一封绝笔书,两信都情致宛转凄侧,对妻子与母亲的关切感念之情,更是如丝如缕,如泣如诉,字字血泪,但是舍身取义的豪宕之气,依然汹涌于字里行间。
In prison, he gave the newly married wife and mother, wrote a swan song books, two are believed to be crosses several Wanzhuan desolate side of his wife and his mother's feelings of gratitude for his concern, but also such as silk, such as strand, Ruqirusu, every word of blood and tears But dang ho his life for justice of the gas, is still raging on between the lines.