

Yu rang Bridge;
豫让桥 双语例句

1. 此外还有位于王郭景区内被称为九九年十大考古发现之一的虞弘墓,有极具挖掘与开发价值的柳下跖插旗石、藏兵洞、跑马坪、明秀寺、娄睿墓、仙居寺、白云庙、黑龙洞、花塔寺、豫让桥、杨二酉读书阁、大寺荷花等。
    There is also located in the area known as the Wang Guo top ten archaeological discoveries in 2099, one of the tomb of Yu Hong, Mining and highly value the development of the plantar under the flags Liu Shi, Cangbing hole Happy Ping, Xiu-ming Temple, Lou Rui tomb, Xianju Temple, Baiyun Temple, Black Dragon Cave, pagoda flowers, Yu Rang bridge, Yang You-second reading House, Lotus Temple, and so on.