

贤德[xián dé ]


词典good and honest virtue贤德。



贤德 汉英大词典

贤德[xián dé]


(善良的德行) good and honest virtue

贤德 双语例句

1. 所以,凯德,我的心上的凯德,请你听我诉说:我因为到处听见人家称赞你的温柔贤德,传扬你的美貌娇姿,虽然他们嘴里说的话,还抵不过你实在的好处的一半,可是我的心却给他们打动了,所以特地前来向你求婚,请你答应嫁给我做妻子。
    You lie, in faith, for you are call'd plain Kate, And bonny Kate, and sometimes Kate the curst; But, Kate, the prettiest Kate in Christendom, Kate of Kate Hall, my super-dainty Kate, For dainties are all Kates, and therefore, Kate, Take this of me, Kate of my consolation- Hearing thy mildness prais'd in every town, Thy virtues spoke of, and thy beauty sounded, Yet not so deeply as to thee belongs, Myself am mov'd to woo thee for my wife.

2. 不久,封凤藻宫尚书,加封贤德妃。
    Soon, sealing, seal GongShangShu alga phoenix was virtuous.

3. 美丽贤德的女子,小伙子要敲着钟鼓来使你欢乐。
    A beautiful virtuous woman, the lad is striking bell or drum to make you happiness.

4. 别人的贤德好比丘陵,还可超越过去,仲尼的贤德好比太阳和月亮,是无法超越的。
    Tsze-kung said to him, For one word a man is often deemed to be wise, and for one word he is often deemed to be foolish.

5. 证明你贤德,尽管你已经背盟。
    And prove thee virtuous, though thou art forsworn

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 当你有一天下决心瞧我不起,用侮蔑的眼光衡量我的轻重,我将站在你那边打击我自己,证明你贤德,尽管你已经背盟。
    When thou shalt be disposed to set me light, And place my merit in the eye of scorn, Upon thy side against myself I'll fight, And prove thee virtuous, though thou art forsworn.

7. 贤德是什么意思

7. 证明你贤德,尽管你已经背盟。
    With mine own weakness being best acquainted

8. 当你有一天下决心瞧我不起用侮蔑的眼光衡量我的轻重,我将站在你那边打击我自己,证明你贤德,尽管你已经背盟。对自己的弱点我既那么内行,我将为你的利益捏造我种种无人觉察的过失,把自己中伤;使你抛弃了我反而得到光荣:而我也可以借此而大有收获;因为我全部情思那么倾向你,我为自己所招惹的一切侮辱既对你有利,对我就加倍有利。
    When thou shalt be disposed to set me light, And place my merit in the eye of scorn, Upon thy side, against my self I'll fight, And prove thee virtuous, though thou art forsworn: With mine own weakness being best acquainted, Upon thy part I can set down a story Of faults concealed, wherein I am attainted: That thou in losing me, shalt win much glory: And I by this will be a gainer too, For bending all my loving thoughts on thee, The injuries that to my self I do, Doing thee vantage, double-vantage me.

9. 贤德的翻译

9. 小官人,她的母亲就是这儿府上的太太,她是个好太太,又聪明,又贤德;我替她抚养她的女儿,就是刚才跟您说话的那个;告诉您吧,谁要是娶了她去,才发财咧。
    Marry, bachelor, her mother is the lady of the house, and a good lady, and a wise and virtuous I nursed her daughter, that you talk'd withal; I tell you, he that can lay hold of her shall have the chinks.

10. 选贤与能。白话文∶有贤德和有才能的人被选用。
    Those with virtue and those with ability are chosen and used.

11. 圣与贤,可驯致圣洁和贤德,可以渐渐地达到。
      13 What is saintly and virtuous, can be gradually attained.

12. 但长期以来,姬昌一直未能遇到一位贤德的辅佐。
      However, Ji Chang had long been lack of an able person to assist him.

13. 贤德的意思

13. 我本城的人都知道你是个贤德的女子。
      All my fellow townsmen know that you are a woman of noble character.

14. 她是一位贤德夫人。
      She's a virtuous and kind-hearted lady.

15. 贤德

15. 美丽贤德的女子,小伙子日夜都想见到你。
      Beautiful and virtuous woman, the lad wants to see you day and night for.

16. 贤德

16. 正当君王探听摩尔德开的贤德时,恰巧哈曼在庭院里,於是王问说:「是谁在庭院里?」原来哈曼正走到了王宫的外庭,要请求君王把摩尔德开悬在他竖起的刑架上。
      For Aman was coming in to the inner court of the king's house, to speak to the king, that he might order Mardochai to be hanged upon the gibbet which was prepared for him.

17. 我们公司不仅需要工程技术人员,也需要有贤德的人。
      Our company needs not only techinical staff but also men of virtue.

18. 贤德

18. 学位的一级,低于博士2。贤德的人;有学问的人
      The only remaining of the great; be one of the few still left

19. 贤德什么意思

19. 前面说到唐太宗有个贤德的长孙皇后,还有个直言敢谏的诤臣魏征。
      Not only was Queen Zhang Sun virtuous and respectable, but she was very knowledgeable too.

20. 贤德在线翻译

20. 我可怜的妈妈,希望上帝拯救她的灵魂并且教她成为一个敬畏神的贤德的妇女!感谢主!
      Mother whom I have mercy on, hope the soul that God save her and teach her how to become a respects the God-fearing and virtuous women! Thankful lord!