

货架子[huò jià zi]

词典goods shelves货架子。

货架子 汉英大词典

货架子[huò jià zi]

goods shelves

货架子 双语例句

1. 货架子在线翻译

1. 我们天天排队去买东西——糖、火柴、盐,风险是非常高的,经济状况非常的糟糕,通货膨胀达到了大约每月20%,货架子都空了,物价飞涨,日常生活就是在为生计奔波。
    We have been queuing every day to get something --sugar, matches, salt. The stakes really were very high. Economic situation was absolute disaster. Inflation was about 20 percent a month. The shelves stood empty. The prices were skyrocketing. Everyday life was the search for survival.

2. 货架子在线翻译

2. 货架子上摆满各种商品。
    The shelves are stocked full.

3. 我们天天排队去买东西——糖、火柴、盐,风险是非常高的,经济状况非常的糟糕,通货膨胀达到了大约每月20%,货架子都空了,物价飞涨,日常生活就是在为生计奔波。
    We h*e been queuing every day to get something --sugar, matches, salt. The stakes really were very high. Economic situation was absolute disaster. Inflation was about 20 percent a month. The shelves stood empty. The prices were skyrocketing. Everyday life was the search for survival.