

Put right;
贴权 双语例句

1. 如果还是坚持这样的话就别怪我封发贴权了。
    If you still insist on the case I would blame the right of the seal Posted.

2. 贴权的反义词

2. 这意味着您可以将它复制从电子邮件或文本文件中的任何一种,并贴权英寸非常受欢迎的!
    This means you can copy it from an email or text file of any kind and paste it right in. Very welcome!

3. 贴权的意思

3. 接下来,每一次你是对形式的网页中,只要点您的光标移动到空白栏位,并按下各自的组合键-文本你想是贴权的有!
    Next, each time you are on the forms page, just point your cursor to the blank field and press the respective key combination- the text you wanted is pasted right there!

4. 贴权

4. 除权后贴权比填权更常见,除权后50个交易日内跑赢上证综指的公司仅占37.3%。
    After 50 trade days, only 37.3% of stocks bid the Shanghai Composite Index.