1. danci.911chaxun.com
1. Den of Thieves:<<贼 巢>>(Den of Thieves),詹姆斯•斯图亚特(James Stewart)著,1991 年出版(中译本由国际文化出版公司出版). 在这部有关道德的书中,善(一群执著的政府律师和侦探)战胜了恶[迈克尔•米尔肯(Michael Milken)、伊万•
1. 贼巢
1. 文章以大埔县百堠村为个案,具体探讨该村在由“贼巢”到“邹鲁乡”的变迁过程中,乡绅阶层的产生及其对地方社会变迁的影响和作用。
Based on the ease study of Baihou village in Dapu county, this paper investigates the emergence of country gentry's stratum and their influence on and function in local social changes from turmoil to stability.
2. 贼巢
2. 我的新书《贼巢》 1991年出版,恰逢衰退的中期。
My book'Den of Thieves'came out in 1991, smack in the middle of recession.
3. 一次偶然的机会被一位老绅士救出,不久后却不幸又一次被绑回贼巢。
He was saved by an old gentleman by chance, however, he was captured to that gang again before long.
4. 又回到贼巢的的奥利弗在费金的哄骗下道出了布朗罗家的境况,并被西克胁迫前去抢劫。
Oliver is rescued by the intervention of a benefactor - Mr Brownlow - but the mysterious Monks gets the gang to kidnap the boy again.