

贾宪 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 不论是从秦九韶的工作,还是从贾宪、朱世杰的工作都能看出这一点。
    It consists of the transform of inheriting from the TUILEI in traditional Chinese mathematics to the deductive mode or the machine-thinking mode, which can be seen from either QINJIUSHAO`s work, or JIAXIAN`s or ZHUSHIJIE`s work.

2. 贾宪在线翻译

2. 张晓立1,2,王金相1,贾宪振2,孙钦密2,刘家骢2
    ZHANG Xiao-li1, 2, WANG Jin-xiang1, JIA Xian-zhen2, SUN Qin-mi2, LIU Jia-cong2

3. 贾宪什么意思

3. 作者:麻秀萍,蒋朝晖,贾宪生,丁宁,叶世云,吴晓黎作者单位:贵阳中医学院药学系,贵州贵阳 550002
    Department of Phamacology, Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guiyang 550002, Guizhou, China

4. 本文从勾股术、河图洛书、贾宪三角形等五个方面论述了中国古代数学与黄金分割率的内在联系,证明中国古代数学实际上蕴涵了黄金分割问题,只是其表达方式有所不同,不像欧几里德几何那样演绎得清楚明白。这一方面说明,中西数学是可以会通的,另一方面也说明,中国古代数学有其独特的路数与价值,任何简单的比附或贬抑都是毫无意义的。
    The paper discussed the internal connection of Chinese ancient mathematics with Golden Section in the five aspects of Pythagorean theorem, Hetuluoshu (Markings of the Yellow River and Written Signs of the River Luo), Jiaxian Triangle, and proven that Golden Section is actually involved in Chinese ancient mathematics but with different expressions not as clear as in the deduction by Euclid, which indicates that the mathematics between China and the Western can be connected in one hand, and in the other hand, ...