

赏封[shǎng fēng]


词典grant a reward赏。


词典reward to a junior from a senior赏封。

赏封 汉英大词典

赏封[shǎng fēng]

[旧] grant a reward; reward to a junior from a senior

赏封 网络解释

1. 赏封

1. reward n:revolution n. 革命,厘革 | reward n. 赏封 | rewind v. 回转(记录磁带等)

赏封 双语例句

1. 我最后还要再赏封一些分数。
    And I have a few last-minute points to award.

2. 例如,上年12月份儿,JP Morgan Chase指定Micex为其通信机构之一,并给以其年度质量诺言奖,这一赏封本身就承认了Micex在支付和结算方遮挡面部的东西有较高的质量,也肯定了其风险管理的高效率。
    For example, JP Morgan Chase in December named Micex as one of its correspondent institutions receiving its annual quality recognition award. The award recognizes the hellogh quality of settlement payments by Micex, and indicates the exchange抯 operational risk management efficiency.