

赏银[shǎnɡ yín]


赏银 双语例句

1. 灵:留下的诸位,大概都是习武之人,就请把小女子最后这段话也告知江湖上的侠客英雄们,如果有合众人之力成事者,小女子虽只能委身一人,但也绝不亏待其余有功之人,无银堡能力范围内,将有求必应,如果有提供贼人确切消息者,赏银一百两!
    Ling: Everyone stay may be a person possesses martial art then please transmit these final words to any chivalrous and capable man you know: if the job is finished by more than one, I will be generous to everyone is involved, I can marry one of them, though. I am willing to answer all their request within my ability. And, the person provides exact information of those bandits will be rewarded with 5 kg silver!

2. 韦小宝道:扬州城里贴满了榜文,说是捉拿江洋大盗茅十八,又是什么格杀不论,只要有人杀了你,赏银二千两,倘若有人通风报信,因而捉到你,那就少赏些,赏银一千两。
    Well, there are posters all over town. Wanted: The Notorious Brigand Whiskers Mao, Dead or Alive, Reward Two Thousand Taels of Silver. A Lesser Reward of One Thousand Taels for Information leading to his Arrest.

3. 赏银

3. 清朝末年,京东镖局的松三爷家道中落,为还债不得已参加洋务派领袖--奕丰王爷举行的比武大会,意欲夺取赏银还债。
    Qing Dynasty, Jingdong Escort pine Sanye Family Decline, forced to participate in Faction leaders for the debt - Yi Feng Royal Highness contest held in the Assembly, intended to win Silver for Reward debt.