

赵普 双语例句

1. 赵普

1. 李湘远离主持终垫底:主持人子榜的前十名中,白岩松、罗京、赵普、董卿、欧阳夏丹、毕福剑这几位央视名嘴占据了6席,其余入榜的4位也都是凭借独特的主持风格杀入前十名的。
    Li presided over the end to stay away from the bottom: host-list of the top ten, Bai Yansong, Luo Jing, ZHAO Pu, Dong Qing, XIA Dan Au, Bi Jian these CCTV Mingzui accounted for 6 seats and the rest of the list 4 Members are presided over by virtue of the unique style of the top ten.

2. 赵普说:这道理很简单。
    Zhao Pu said the reason was very simple.

3. 赵普,35岁,北京电视台主持人,毕业于北京电影学院管理专业。
    ZHAO Pu, 35-year-old, Beijing TV host, graduated from the Beijing Film Academy Management.

4. 央视主播赵普:我首先是人之后才是新闻工作者。
    CCTV anchor Zhao Pu: After I first am the human, is the journalist.

5. 故事的主角是宰相赵普的儿子圣香。
    The storylead is the Prime Minister Zhao Pu's son saint is fragrant.

6. 臣昨天听了赵普的话,对照今天陛下的圣意,君臣名分能够如此善始善终,可谓两全其美了。
    Pu Zhao listened to the Hill yesterday, today, His Majesty the control of the St.

7. 赵普在线翻译

7. 据悉,在昨天的直播之后,赵普已经乘飞机匆忙赶赴灾区做直播,将从前方发回最新的报道。。。。
    It is reported that after yesterday's broadcast, ZHAO Pu-air rush to the disaster area has been done live, back from the front of the latest reports...

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8. 而今年的清明节,赵普再次到灾区直播,也是感动得落泪,再次语塞。
    Ching Ming Festival this year, ZHAO Pu live again to the disaster area, but also moved to tears, again at a loss for words.