1. 公司将继续秉承不断追求卓越的理念,总经理赵石进先生携全体员工愿与各位同仁携手共进,共同创造美好未来。
Companies will continue to uphold the idea of constantly striving for excellence, the general manager Mr. Zhao Danjin with all the staff is willing to work with colleagues to work together and work together to create a better future.
2. 赵石彬1;赵佳2;张存林1;丁友福1;李艳红1
Department of Physics, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100037, China
3. 赵石的妈妈及家人也希望再次与你们相聚,她说:做梦也想吃我爸爸做得中国菜。
Zhao Shi's mother and family, also hope to get together with you again, she said: never dreamed like my dad did Chinese food.