

赶路[gǎn lù]

词典hurry [push] on with one's journey

赶路 汉英大词典

赶路[gǎn lù]


hurry [push] on with one's journey:

  例:休息了一会儿之后, 我们就继续赶路了。

    We resumed our journey after a short rest.

赶路 网络解释

1. scutter:scutescutum 鳞甲 | scutter 赶路 | scuttlebutt 清水桶

2. 赶路的解释

2. Hurrying up:1黃河邊的故事 Stories along the Yellow River | 2趕路 Hurrying up | 3長城抒懷 The Great Walls Relieve

3. burn up the road:burn up 烧完; 烧尽; 烧光;使生气 | burn up the road 赶路 | 9. bring... back to life使恢复,使生动,使苏醒

4. 赶路在线翻译

4. be on one's way:We get on extremely well.我们相处得很融洽. | 6. be on one's way 赶路 | I must be getting on;I'm late already.我必须要赶路,我已迟了.

赶路 双语例句

1. 他们继续赶路,当男人在第二个转弯口时,连人带车撞向了挡在路中间的一头猪。
    They each continue on their way, and as the man rounds the next corner, he crashes into a pig in the middle of the road and break his car.

2. 有一天,驴夫赶着驴子和骡子一起驮货赶路
    A MULETEER set forth on a journey, driving before him an Ass and a Mule, both well laden.

3. 赶路在线翻译

3. 我本来想今晚我们就住在汉堡市,但是除非我们匆匆赶路,否则是到不了那里的。
    I had thought we'd stay in Hamburg tonight, but we can't unless we rush it.

4. 赶路的翻译

4. 因为要赶路,所以匆匆通过电子邮件把关于 100人的消息发到博客,我们按原计划出发到密云水库和朋友聚会,又因为其他一些事情,到夜里近一点才回到家,所以今天才回应。
    I had to get on the road, so I just hastily posted news about the 100 list up on my blog, and we stuck to our original plan to head out to Miyun Reservoir for a party with some friends, and also because of some other things, we didn't get home until close to one a. m.

5. danci.911cha.com

5. 我们坐在一辆没篷的农民的马车上赶路,天上下起瓢泼大雨。众人叫苦不迭。
    We sit on the carriage of a farmer that does not have sail to hurry on with one's journey, the day removes heavy rain up and down.

6. 911查询·英语单词

6. 最后我们连夜赶路,只睡一小会儿觉
    At the end we preferred to travel all night, / Sleeping in snatches

7. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

7. 如果你不想在晚上赶路的话
    If you don't wanna travel through the night.

8. 赶路的反义词

8. 每当傍晚,那富有诗意的迷雾便如面纱一般笼罩着溪边,陈旧的房屋消失在朦胧的天空,高高的烟囱犹似一座座钟楼,幢幢库房恍如夜间的宫殿,整座城市悬在空中,宛若仙境展现在我们眼前。此时此刻,路上的行人匆匆赶路回家,无论是劳动者还是饱读经书者,智慧者还是寻求乐趣者,只因为他们再也看不见什么,也就不能有所理解。而这时已经开始歌唱的大自然便把自己微妙的歌唱给艺术家,他既是她的儿子也是她的主人。说是她的儿子是因为爱他,说是她的主人是因为理解他。
    And when the evening mist clothes the riverside with poetry, as with a veil, and the poor building lose themselves in the dim sky, and the tall chimneys become campaniles, and the warehouse are palaces in the night, and the whole city hangs in the heavens, and fairy –land is before us ----then the way farer has tens home; the working man and the cultured one, the wise man and the one of pleasure, cease to understand, as they have ceases to see, and Nature, who, for once, has sung in tune, sings her exquisite song to the artist alone, her son and her master –her son in that he loves her, her master in that he knows her.

9. 渡船停在海的另一边。雨尔根把它喊过来,于是他就登上去。不过他和船夫还没有渡过一半路的时候,那些在后面赶路的人就大声喊起来。
    The sea lay before him, clear and blue, and the mussel shells and pebbles, the playthings of his childhood, crunched over his feet.

10. 赶路

10. 登上山峰是我们的目的,却也不必急巴巴地赶路而放弃观赏一路上的风光景色。
    Our aim is to reach the summit, yet we need not be in such a hurry that we ignore the beautiful scenery during our climb.

11. 赶路在线翻译

11. 目标以外,往往尚有别的什么必须兼顾;登上山峰是我们的目的,却也不必急巴巴地赶路而放弃观赏一路上的风光景色。
      Apart from the objectives, consideration should be given to other concerns. Our aim is to reach the summit, yet we need not be in such a hurry that we ignore the beautiful scenery during our climb.

12. 赶路在线翻译

12. 我正半醒着为9点钟的课赶路,可能绊到什么东西,突然滑板就停住了。
      I was pushing along half awake trying to make it to my 9 o'clock class and my board just stopped like I hit something.

13. 赶路

13. 穆斯林骑着毛驴正在赶路时见到汉人马上下来拉着驴缰绳绕道而行。
      The wood of Mud Si ride the hair donkey is seeing Hahn people coming down to pull donkey bridle to round a way but going right away while walk faster.

14. danci.911cha.com

14. 我要赶路了。
      I have to hurry to get somewhere in.

15. danci.911cha.com

15. 我们又要继续赶路了。
      We have to continue with our journey.

16. 我必须要赶路,我已迟了。
      I must be getting on; I'm late already.

17. 我在空寂的世界赶路,并不断地提醒自己,就快到了,就快到了。。。
      I will be the captain of my soul and life...

18. 如果你不急着赶路,你可以骑车去。
      If you are not in a hurry, You may go by bike.

19. 他倏地一下站起来,打算把睡觉的人都叫醒,因为时间十分紧迫,必须马上赶路
      He started to his feet with the intention of awaking the sleepers, for there was no time to lose.

20. 赶路的意思

20. 把院子门打开,我们以轻快的脚步,跨上寂寞的乡村公路,雪干而脆,脚踏上去发出破碎的声音;早起的农夫,驾了雪橇,到远处的市场去赶早市;这辆雪橇一夏天都在农夫的门口闲放着,与木屑稻梗为伍,现在可有了用武之地,它的尖锐清晰刺耳的声音,对于早起赶路之人,也有提神醒脑的作用。农舍窗上虽然积雪很多,但是屋里的农夫已经早把蜡烛点起,烛光孤寂地照射出来,像一颗暗淡的星。
      Opening the gate, we 29tread briskly along the lone country road, crunching the dry and crisped snow under our feet, or aroused by the sharp, clear creak of the wood-shed, just starting for the distant market, from the early farmer`s door, where it has lain the summer long, dreaming amid the chips and stubble; while far through the drifts and powdered windows we see the farmer`s early candle, like a paled star, emitting a lonely beam, as if some severe virtue were at its 30matins there.