

From the sale of;
起售 双语例句

1. 我们还想了解各类商品的每种颜色和花样的最低出口起售量。
    We would also like to know the minimum export quantities per colour and per design.

2. 为保证效果,本品2包起售
    For the guarantee effect, this 2 packages sell.

3. 起售什么意思

3. LG GT350将于4月份在欧洲起售,其它销售区将紧随其后。
    The LG GT350 will be available in Europe in April and other markets will follow.

4. 起售的解释

4. 公司本着客户至上,信誉为本,质量保证,价格合理的经营方针:①批零兼营,一支起售,长度任选;②代办配送业务、代购、代订、直供各钢厂生产的无缝钢管;实行开票提货一条龙服务。
    Companies in the customer first, reputation-based, quality assurance, the operating principle of reasonable prices:① Piling兼营, from the sale of a length optional; ② agent distribution business, Daigou, Substituting for, Zhigong the production of seamless steel pipe steel mill; implementation of Invoice delivery through-train service.

5. 起售

5. 印花棉布以每米13.95英镑的价格起售
    Prices start at £ 13.95 a metre for printed cotton

6. 它的起售价格为500美元(约合3000元人民币)。
    It has a starting price of $ 500.

7. 售价450美元,比iPhone6要便宜,iPhone6的非合约机500起售
    It costs $ 450 unlocked, which is a bit cheaper than the iPhone 6 which starts at $ 500 without a carrier contract.

8. 塑料外壳的iPhone5c在美国99美元起售,预示着苹果正在积极向低端智能手机市场进军。
    By offering an iPhone in the U. S. starting at $ 99 the iPhone 5C made of plastic apple is moving aggressively into the low end of smartphones.

9. 塑料外壳的iPhone5c在美国99美元起售,预示着苹果正在积极向低端智能手机市场进军。
    By offering an iPhone in the U.S. starting at $ 99 the iPhone 5C made of plastic apple is moving aggressively into the low end of smartphones.