

起早睡晚[qí zǎo shuì wǎn]


起早睡晚 双语例句

1. 误译:他起早睡晚,一根蜡烛两头点。他起早睡晚,精力迅速消耗。
    He gets up very early and sits up very late and is burning the candle at both ends.

2. 起早睡晚在线翻译

2. 太实:他起早睡晚,一支蜡烛两头点。虚化:他起早睡晚,精力迅速消耗。
    He gets up very early and sits up to late and is burning the candle at both ends.

3. 为了城市的洁净和美丽,他们冬战严寒,夏战酷暑,起早睡晚,爱岗敬业,长年工作在最脏最累的环卫岗位上。
    To clean and beautiful city, they battle cold winter, summer warfare summer, a Zaoshui night, love their job, who work in the most dirty most of the environmental benefits post.