

趋吉避凶[qū jí bì xiōng]

词典pursue good fortune and avoid disaster避祸就福;趋吉避凶;避祸趋福。

词典strive for a friendly settlement and avoid conflict趋吉避凶。

趋吉避凶 汉英大词典

趋吉避凶[qū jí bì xiōng]

pursue good fortune and avoid disaster; strive for a friendly settlement and avoid conflict

趋吉避凶 网络解释

1. 趋吉避凶

1. Chronomantic Escape:3Barren Glory荒芜之耀FUT | 4Chronomantic Escape趋吉避凶FUT | 5Dust of Moments时刻散尘FUT