1. 子曰:「巧言、令色、足恭,左丘明耻之,丘亦耻之。
Confucius said: Clever words, a pretentious face and tooperfect courtesy: Tso Ch'iu Ming was ashamed of them.
2. 足恭
2. 老师的教诲,我总是侧足恭听。
I always listen to teachers'instructions with great humility.
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3. 这种小筑中有些虽也布置得很精雅,但氛围终和红色大门,绿色窗户,仆婢排立的富家大厦截然不同。当一个人走进这种小筑时,他没听见忠狗的吠声,他没看见足恭诌笑的侍者,和阍人的讨厌的面孔。
Although sometimes these mountain lodges are furnished with taste and refinement the atmosphere is quite different from the rich men's mansions with vermillion gates and green windows and a platoon of servants and maids standing around.