





词典break down失败;划分(以便分析);损坏;衰弱下来。

趴窝 双语例句

1. 趴窝

1. 即使母鸳鸯在不同的日子中下了 11 个蛋,但她在蛋下完前是不会开始趴窝的。
    Even though the mom duck laid her 11 eggs on different days, she didn't start sitting on them till they'd all appeared.

2. \u0064\u0061\u006E\u0063\u0069\u002E\u0039\u0031\u0031\u0063\u0068\u0061\u002E\u0063\u006F\u006D

2. 举个例子,那些买了有缺陷的二手车的消费者,开了一年多,车趴窝了,他们只会怪自己操作不当,而不会想到卖给他们的车的质量本身就有问题。
    For example, consumers who buy defective used cars that break down only after a year or so of driving may blame the breakdowns on their own actions rather than on the quality of the cars that were sold to them.

3. danci.911cha.com

3. 库比中尉描述其所见情景:到处都是趴窝的坦克、卡车和美军死尸。
    Cobb described what he saw: Immobile tanks and trucks and the bodies of dead American soldiers were everywhere.

4. 规模巨大的伏尔加汽车制造厂的产品包括随处可见的拉达轿车。该厂装配线的传送带今年大多数时候都在趴窝
    The conveyor belt at the giant Avtovaz car factory, which produces the ubiquitous Lada, has spent much of this year motionless.

5. (另外也找不到趴窝的汽车,那应该也是个好用的借口。)
    (There is also no broken-down car, also useful for excuses.)