

Yue Fei;
跃飞 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 张再跃%眭跃飞%曹存根基于模糊命题模态逻辑的形式推理系统软件学报,2005,8
    Zhang ZY%Sui YF%Cao CG Description of fuzzy first-order modal logic based on constant domain semantics null, 2005, null

2. 跃飞

2. 本书是中欧国际工商学院、我行公司业务主管副行长胡跃飞先生和深发展其他同事付出大量努力的结晶,我非常希望本书能够帮助读者对现代金融业务的一个重要侧面加深了解。
    This book reflects great efforts from professionals at CEIBS, along with HYF, leader of the bank`s commercial business, and other colleagues at SDB. I very much hope, will help with the reader to acquire better understanding of this important aspect of modern business.