

跌交[diē jiāo ]


词典trip and fall摔交;摔跟头;跌交。

词典stumble and fall跌交。

词典make a mistake犯错误;弄错。


词典meet with a setback

跌交 汉英大词典

跌交[diē jiāo]


(摔跟头) trip and fall; stumble and fall; fall:


    have a fall;


    Babies often fall down when they are learning to walk.

跌交 网络解释

1. danci.911chaxun.com

1. dljy:dlj. 吊颈 | dljy 跌交 | dlqf 得来全不费工夫

2. 跌交

2. diejiao:掉膘--diaobiao | 跌交--diejiao | 迭代--diedai

3. 跌交是什么意思

3. afa:afa gurun erin/战国时代 | afa-/作战,攻,委托,跌交,碰撞 | afabu/令人交付寄托,令人攻伐

跌交 双语例句

1. 跌交的解释

1. 一天当他开始在挽具里跌交时,雪撬停了下来,驾雪撬的人解下他的挽具想让他休息一下,让他空身跑在雪撬后面。
    One day he started to fall down while in his harness. The sledge stopped, and the driver took him out of his harness.

2. 冯云卿一面肃进这位新来的客人,一面仔细打量这位也是在公债里跌交的同病相怜者的神色;使他纳罕的,是这位李壮飞的嘴角边也浮着扬扬的浅笑,同刚才何慎庵来时相仿。
    Feng Yun-ching bowed his friend into the room, glancing at him as he did so to see how he looked after the disaster in the stock market, and was surprised to find a rather elated smile on his face, a smile reminiscent of Ho Shen-an's when he came in.

3. 其实我期待着在未来的事情会跌交
    I am actually looking forward to the next thing that will fall off.

4. 不是一个好时机跌交
    Not a good time to trip and fall.

5. 跌交的意思

5. 我们的最大光荣,不在於从不跌交,而在於每次跌倒之后都能爬起来。
    Our greatest glory consists not in never falling but rising every time we fall.

6. 他跌交时裤腿破了,还染上了血。
    His pants leg was torn and blood when he fell.

7. 乔打架后向母亲编的籍口是他跌交了。
    Joe's cover-up to his mother after he had been fighting was that he fell down.

8. 跌交的反义词

8. 一天当他开始在挽具里跌交时,雪撬停了下来,驾雪撬的人解下他的挽具想让他休息一下,让他空身跑在雪撬后面。
    He wanted to give him a rest, and let him run free behind the sledge.

9. 跌交

9. 他跌交时裤腿破了,还染上了血。
    His pants leg was to rn and bloodied when he fell.

10. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

10. 小儿学步时常会跌交
    Babies often fall down when they are learning to walk.

11. 他跌交时裤腿破了,还染上了血。
      His pants leg was torn and bloodied when he fell.