

Ups and notorious;
跌宕昭彰 双语例句

1. 只是她的生活境遇不同,词风相应地发生了变化,即从原先的清空隽永、情真意切,变为沉郁悲凉,跌宕昭彰;由原来的潇洒疏落、幽怨缠绵变为低徊窃眇、回肠荡气。
    Life of her circumstances different just, word wind change accordingly, namely clear and empty and meaningful, genuine and sincere from a original one, it is depressed and sad and dreary, unconstrained and distinctive to turn into; By a original one graceful and scattered, hidden bitterness touching to turn into low to is it steal Miao to pace up and down, soulstirring.