

跑跑颠颠[pǎo pǎo diān diān]

词典bustle about忙碌;奔忙;东奔西跑;跑跑颠颠。

词典be on the go衰败;准备离开;在活动;有醉意。

跑跑颠颠 汉英大词典

跑跑颠颠[pǎo pǎo diān diān]


bustle about; be on the go:


    She is bustling about all day long, serving the people.

跑跑颠颠 双语例句

1. 我已经在路上跑跑颠颠一整天了。
    I've been rushing around all day.

2. 跑跑颠颠

2. 这才是你的老本行,出去跑跑颠颠像什么老婆。
    This is your profession, be on the go out like what my wife.

3. 911查询·英语单词

3. 我已经在路上跑跑颠颠一整天了。
    Ive been rushing around all day.

4. danci.911cha.com

4. 她整天跑跑颠颠的给别人办事。
    She is bustling about all day long, serving the people.

5. 跑跑颠颠的解释

5. 老大娘在服务站成天跑跑颠颠的,给大伙办事。
    The old lady is bustling about every day at the neighbourhood service centre, helping people do all sorts of things.

6. danci.911cha.com

6. 他说他已经人过中年了,不想再跑跑颠颠的了。
    He said that he was over the hill and didn't want to move a lot.

7. 跑跑颠颠的近义词

7. 老大娘在服务站成天跑跑颠颠的。
    The old lady bustles about every day at the neighbourhood service centre.