路不拾遗[lù bù shí yí]
词典picks up lost articles on the street -- a peaceful and prosperous time.
词典a society where the moral standard is high, regarding personal honesty
词典Lost articles are always returned.:路不拾遗。
词典No one would pick up in the street things dropped by other people.
路不拾遗[lù bù shí yí]
(No one) picks up lost articles on the street -- a peaceful and prosperous time.; a society where the moral standard is high, regarding personal honesty; Lost articles are always returned.; No one would pick up in the street things dropped by other people.
1. 911查询·英语单词
1. 这样就可考验一下我是否真的路不拾遗?
And, this might have been a test for me, whether I am really moral?
2. 他在伊利诺伊州的迪克森长大。那儿的人安居乐业,相互信任,路不拾遗,夜不闭户。
He grew up in Dixon, Illinois, where life was wholesome, where people trusted each other, and nobody locked his door at night.
3. 路不拾遗。
No one pockets anything found on the road.
4. 路不拾遗
4. 韩国朋友也说登陆证一般都会寄回给我的,只是现金被拿走(路不拾遗的希望是不可能的!)
Of course, it is impossible that have extravagant hopes they treat you as their buddy. First, there are language and culture barriers between us.
5. 也许有的时候,我们锁门不是为了财产安全,是为了求个心安。而在捡钱包也会惹官司的今天,很可能路不拾遗也离我们不远了。
And while people who habitually lock their doors are incredulous that others do not, those who don't lock are surprised that anyone would be shocked by it.