

Lu Pu;
路蒲 双语例句

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1. 那什正在成为NBA历史上仅有的4位中投命中超过50%,三分超过40%,空位投篮超过90%的球员,他属于那种有点瘦弱不能真正跳起来的球员,他不能象LBJ或科比那样的灌蓝,他不能象帕克或其他小个后卫那样的快速,他不象比路蒲斯那样的强壮,但说他是没天分的和不合格的是对他的不敬。
    Nash is becoming one of the only four players in NBA history to shoot 50% from the field, 40% from beyond the arc, and 90% from the free throw line and he is just a skinny point guard who can't really jump. He can't dunk like LeBron or Kobe, he is not lightening fast like Parker or some other small guards, and he is not physically strong like Billups, but saying he is not talented and undeserving is disrespect.