路警[lù jǐng]
railway police
1. 路警的解释
1. railway police:楼面服务员 floor attendant | 路警 railway police | 录音剪辑员 record cutter
1. 于是他们挥手召来路警,该路警将司机拦下了。
In his write-up of the incident, Deputy District Attorney Martin L.
2. 当他们驶至马利布的太平洋海岸高速公路上时,该货车再次出现在他们车后。于是他们挥手召来路警,该路警将司机拦下了。
When the van showed up behind them again on Pacific Coast Highway in Malibu, they flagged down[5] a deputy, who stopped the driver.
3. 经过了长期旅行以后,书摊上书贩子推荐新出版小说的那种平板音调很悦耳--一个长着胡髭的路警的富有自信的答话,以及一对夫妇的干巴巴的话别,听起来也挺舒服。
After his long travel, the flat-vowelled voice of the bookstall clerk offering the latest novel sounded pleasant-pleasant the independent answers of a bearded guard, and the stodgy farewell sayings of a man and wife.
4. 路警在线翻译
4. 经过了长期旅行以后,书摊上书贩子推荐最新小说的平板的声音听着很悦耳-连一个长着胡髭的路警的不受拘束的答话,以及一对夫妇的平凡的话别,也听着挺舒服。
After his long travel, the flat-voweled voice of the bookstall clerk offering the latest novel sounded pleasant-pleasant the independent answers of a bearded guard, and the stodgy farewell sayings of a man and wife.
5. 经过了长期旅行以后,书摊上书贩子推荐最新小说的平板的声音听着很悦耳-连一个长着胡髭的路警的不受拘束的答话,以及到中国译典经典版本中查找关于stodgy的最新解释和例句。。。。
After his long travel, the flat-voweled voice of the bookstall clerk offering the latest novel sounded pleasant-pleasant the independent answers of a bearded guard, and the stodgy farewell sayings of a man and wife
6. 路警
6. 路警吹响了哨子,火车就开动了。
The guard blew his whistle, and the train moved off.
7. 911查询·英语单词
7. 所以我们移交给了加州路警。
So we handed it off to chp.