

跳虱[tiào shī]


跳虱 网络解释

1. flea:针).经过三次预防注射后便需要每年一次接受加强针注射.香港法例规定所有犬只必须在五至六个月大接受狂犬病(Rabies)预防针.然后每三年须接受加强针注射.4.控制跳虱(Flea)和牛蜱(Tick)的滋生条虫(Tapeworm)是经由跳虱传播的,

跳虱 双语例句

1. 怎料没多久,一位房友叫醒我说,她被跳虱咬;於是我给她一些药物以减痒。
    Not long after, one of my roommates woke me up saying she was bitten by fleas. So, I gave her medicine to sooth her itch.

2. 有一类人他们安于现况,就像猪身上的跳虱
    It perches between the manes of the pig.

3. 跳虱

3. 可是,过不了一阵子,房友再次搅扰,吵醒了我说,那些药没功效,坚持说她床上仍有不少跳虱
    However, after a while, my roommate, frustrated, woke me up again expressing that the medication was not working. She insisted that there were still fleas on her bed.

4. 跳虱什么意思

4. 虽然这对我来说是一大冒险,因我的皮肤甚敏感,无论何时被任何昆虫咬过,例如蚊子或跳虱,感染部位定必肿起来,有时甚至要看医生;於是祈求神保守我。
    This was a big risk for me, though, because my skin is very sensitive. Whenever I am bitten by any kind of insects, such as mosquitoes or fleas, the infected area will be swollen. There were times I even had to see a doctor for it. So, I prayed for God`s protection over me.

5. 另有一类人,他们安於现况,就像猪身上的跳虱一样;跳虱栖身于猪的鬃毛之间,自认为在此食宿无虑、冬暖夏凉,又没有天敌侵扰,简直有如置身於皇宫一般。
    One kind of them, they are contented with their present situation, just like the flea lives in the body of a pig.

6. 木虱一种木虱科植物跳虱,尤指属于跳虱属的木虱,有不少品种是侵害果树的
    Any of various jumping plant lice of the family Psyllidae, especially of the genus Psylla, which includes several species that infest fruit trees.