

Pull the foot;
踏拉 双语例句

1. 坐姿不良,走路踢里踏拉,耸肩腆肚,这些通常是你能量已耗干的表现。
    When you pour out all the trouble, stress and misfortune, you will not feel tired and bored.

2. 没办法,调整好心情还得继续)梳洗了一番,穿上了最休闲的衣服,踏拉着人字拖,口袋里揣上几张千元泰铢,足够好好的逛一逛芭东的夜市。。。
    These can come in the names spy camera, CCTV camera and surveillance hidden camera. No matter how they are called, the intention is to record video signals. In the field of traffic enforcement, this tool is very useful as it helps enfo...

3. 踏拉在线翻译

3. 那条狗很大,像一个披着狗皮的人,跑起来和主人一样,又笨又癫,脚爪踢里踏拉,一路拍打过去,像没系带的鞋。
    The dog is big, like a man dressed in a dog suit, and runs the same way its owner does, clumsy and wild and with the limbs flopping all over the place like untied shoes.

4. 坐姿不良,走路踢里踏拉,耸肩腆肚,这些通常是你能量已耗干的表现。
    Sitting in an ugly gesture, walking lazily with shoulders shuddering and stomach standing out are all the presentations of using up your energy.