

蹉跎岁月[cuō tuó suì yuè]


词典let years and months slip by -- waste one's time蹉跎岁月。

词典spend one's life in fruitless efforts蹉跎岁月。


词典let time slip by without accomplishing anything岁月蹉跎;蹉跎岁月。

词典idle away one's time虚靡光阴;游手好闲;岁月蹉跎;蹉跎岁月。

蹉跎岁月 汉英大词典

蹉跎岁月[cuō tuó suì yuè]

let years and months slip by -- waste one's time; spend one's life in fruitless efforts; let time slip by without accomplishing anything; idle away one's time; The years drift [roll] by.

蹉跎岁月 网络解释

1. And I'm wastin' everyday:I feel as if I feel as if I'm wastin' 我感觉到我的蹉跎 | And I'm wastin' everyday 蹉跎岁月 | 2 o'clock in the morning, something's on my mind 凌晨两点,骤然惊醒