蹙皱[cù zhòu]
1. 蹙皱在线翻译
1. 那山就是她蹙皱的眉峰,那水就是她横流的眼波,一如眼前这花季般的少女,尽可以在这天地间泼洒自己的美丽,因为,她们有的是不尽的青春岁月。
That hill was her crease of Mei Feng, it was her cross-flow of water, wavefront, as in front of the bloom-like girl, he can come between heaven and earth in this spill their beauty, because they are not the prime years either.
2. 他脸上蹙皱着很深的纹路。
His face was seamed with sharp wrinkles.