

身体力行[shēn tǐ lì xíng]

词典set an example by personally taking part身体力行。

词典carry out by actual efforts身体力行。

词典do sth. persistently without letup身体力行。


词典earnestly practise what one advocates身体力行。

身体力行 汉英大词典

身体力行[shēn tǐ lì xíng]


set an example by personally taking part; carry out by actual efforts; do sth. persistently without letup; earnestly practise what one advocates; earnestly practise; practise what one preaches; proceed with determination

身体力行 网络解释

1. walk the talk:u 管理高层对专案的态度应言行如一、身体力行 (walk the talk). 管理高层应指定专案的管理阶层赞助者 (executive sponsor) 以设定明确的专案目标、明确地授权予专案经理 (藉由专案核准书project charter授权运用企业的各种相关资源)、参与专案会议、在专案训练课程中露脸、强调该专案对企业的价值、提供资源 (人力、物力、财

2. 身体力行的意思

2. Hands-on:Hands off 不要碰 | Hands-on 身体力行 | Handy 方便

3. Practice what you preach:22.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧. | 23.Practice what you preach.身体力行. | 24.Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.做最坏的准备,怀最好的希望.