

车同轨[chē tónɡ ɡuǐ]


车同轨 双语例句

1. 秦始皇从公元前230年至公元前221年,用了十年的时间,消灭了齐、楚、燕、韩、赵、魏六国,一统天下,然后又用了一生的时间统一法令、文字、度量衡、货币、修筑长城、实行车同轨等,如果秦始皇没有坚定的目标,即不仅在地域上一统中国,在制度上也要一统中国的坚定目标,那么秦始皇在十三岁即位后,只会报着固守函肴关,最终被六国联合消灭。
    Qin Shi Huang from 230 to 221 years, 10 years, destroys the qi and Chu, Yan, Han, Wei Zhao and six other countries, are governed by, and then spent a lifetime unified Act, text, weights and measures, money and use them to build the great wall, carried out with the rail vehicle, and so on, if there is no firm target Emperor Qin Shi Huang, that is, not only geographically unified China which should also be a target firmly, Qin Shi Huang after ascending the throne at the age of 13, we will only report to adhere to the letter, Osaka and Kobe, were eventually combined six countries.