

轩冕[xuān miǎn]




轩冕 双语例句

1. 轩冕在线翻译

1. 他抛弃外在的轩冕荣华,超越田园生活的劳役之苦,艺术地观赏着人生,从中领略着真正的生命意义。
    From his point of view, people can reap precious freedom by having such attitudes as, indifference to fame and benefit, and having few desires.

2. 故不为轩冕肆志,不为穷约趋俗,其乐彼与此同,故无忧而已矣!
    Such a joy is ill and has side effect.

3. 居轩冕之中,不忘山林之味;处林泉之下,须怀廊庙之经纶。
    Xuan Mien home, and did not forget the mountains of taste; Department Linquan, the temple to be argued HUAI Gallery.

4. 轩冕的解释

4. 居轩冕之中,不忘山林之味;处林泉之下,须怀廊庙之经纶。
    Juxuan crown being, not to forget the mountains of taste; at Linquan under the temple to be pregnant with the knowledgeable and elevated corridors.

5. 从陶渊明的`采菊东篱下,悠然见南山`,`此中有真味,欲辨已忘言`到李白为孟浩然写的`吾爱孟夫子,风流天下闻,红颜弃轩冕,白首卧松云`再到王维的`随山将万转,趣途无百里``明月松间照,清泉石上流`以及禅宗大师们专门爱找风景秀丽的地方住下,以至天下名山半归佛家。
    Those beautiful vision of a life in a mountain or some rusticity has allured me for several years, expecially from the famous poems of Wang Wei, Li Bo, Tao Yuanming, and all those masters of Zen who selected beautiful mountain to reside which made half of most beautiful mountians occupied.