

转弯抹角[zhuǎn wān mò jiǎo ]


词典full of twists and turns曲曲弯弯;转弯抹角;转弯抹角的。


词典beat about the bush隐约其辞;不直截了当地说,旁敲侧击;迂回其词;绕脖子。

词典in a roundabout way低回。

词典prunes and prism吞吞吐吐,转弯抹角,装腔作势。

转弯抹角 汉英大词典

转弯抹角[zhuǎn wān mò jiǎo]


(路弯弯曲曲) full of twists and turns:


    slip down the slope in a rapid zigzag;


    take a tortuous route

转弯抹角 网络解释

1. to talk in a roundabout way:转变抹角 to speak in roundabout way | 转弯抹角 to talk in a roundabout way | 转危为安 to turn a perilous situation into a safe one

2. Beating Around the Bush:36. 为什么受伤的总是我们?Why Are We Mways the Ones Who Get Hurt? | 37. 转弯抹角Beating Around the Bush | 38. 圣诞节与文化入侵Christmas and the Cultural Invasion

3. Talent of Indirection:Talent of Misunderstanding (误解的本领)、 | Talent of Indirection(转弯抹角)、 | Indifference to Comfort and Convenience(不讲究舒适和方便)、

4. danci.911cha.com

4. prunes and prism:escape by crafty scheme 金蝉脱壳 | prunes and prism 转弯抹角 | laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth 转喜为忧