

轻侮[qīng wǔ]



轻侮 汉英大词典

轻侮[qīng wǔ]


轻侮 双语例句

1. 轻侮在线翻译

1. 请不要轻侮你的竞争对手。
    Please do not slight and insult your rivals.

2. 这得一种不可轻侮的愤怒和绝望的大声叫喊。
    It was a great formidable cry of anger and despair.

3. 他沉思了一会,显露轻侮的神情,问,谁剪的?
    He yearned over it reflectively a moment, and then asked with a disparaging manner, who cut it?

4. 因爲你在对付轻侮我的人,所以我要爲你祝福
    In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea

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5. 中国可以宣称他们的胜利,因为他们的战斗阻止了美国的前进,并且向世界展示了他们不是可以轻侮的力量。
    And demonstrated to the world that they were a force not to be taken lightly. The CCF hadgained a vast amount of experience in the conduct of modern warfare as well.

6. 留心避免和人家争吵;可是万一争端已起,就应该让对方知道你不是可以轻侮的。
    Of each new-hatch'd, unfledged comrade. Beware of entrance to a quarrel, but being in

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7. 很显然,这个岛是不可能轻侮的。
    Apparently the island could not be entirely discounted.

8. 留心避免和人家争吵;可是万一争端已起,就应该让对方知道你不是可以轻侮的。
    Beware Of entrance to a quarrel; but being in, Bear't that th'opposed may beware of thee.