

轻淡[qīng dàn]





轻淡 汉英大词典

轻淡[qīng dàn]

mild; thin; light

轻淡 双语例句

1. danci.911cha.com

1. 我们有一些其它的轻淡柔和的颜色:蓝的、黄的、粉的还有白的。
    We have many in pastel blue, yellow, pink and white.

2. 睹物伤情,黯然神伤,但我知道,偶尔的落寞感伤并不会影响我的情绪,做一个坚强的人,学习工作做好,感情方面,则要学会去习惯,然后渐渐轻淡
    Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one so that when we finally meet the right person, we will kn

3. 本品仅有非常轻淡的天然坚果芳香。
    With very mild natural macadamia nut aroma.

4. 轻淡的解释

4. 您的进食应该是低脂/低盐/轻淡/高热量/高蛋白/软、流食的食物
    You should have a low fat/ low salt/ light diet/high caloric diet/high protein/soft diet/liquid food.

5. 轻淡的翻译

5. 我喜欢轻淡的食物,而不是油腻的食品物。
    I like light food instead of rich food.

6. 轻淡的反义词

6. 我们吃点轻淡的早餐吧。
    Let`s have something light for breakfast.

7. 它是口感轻淡,圆润,芳香的,用于结束一顿饭完美的选择。
    It is light, ,fruity aromatic and a perfect choice for ending a meal.

8. 我们用轻淡柔和的颜色粉饰起居室,使它赏心悦目。
    We painted our living room in pastel colours to make it easy on the eye.

9. 这里没有粮食,又没有水,我们对这轻淡的食物已感厌恶。
    There is no bread, nor have we any waters: our soul now loatheth this very light food.

10. 你在寻找轻淡健康的美食吗?来这里试试吧。
    This is a good choice if you are looking for a light, wholesome, health conscious meal.

11. 轻淡在线翻译

11. 读这些小诗,似乎很亲切,因为冰心将大自然中最纯、最本色、又十分普通的东西,用轻淡优雅的诗句表现出来,不加以任何人为的修饰,不添以任何华美的词句,带着一丝温柔的忧悠,或一些深深的内在美:明目下,绿叶如云,白衣如雪。
      Read these poems, seem very kind, because the nature will bing xin's instinctive and pure, is very common, with light elegant lines, without any expression of modification, don't add to the beauty of any words, with a gentle care, or some deep inner leafy green eyes: under a cloud, white as snow.

12. 911chaxun查询·英语单词

12. 西餐厅品酌各国精品佳肴,豪华自助餐各式美食,精致小点是您轻淡浅酌焕发身心的理想之所。
      Discretion West restaurant for fine cuisine States, luxury buffet all kinds of cuisine, exquisite small your leisure is the ideal for the community.

13. 和平而轻淡的阳光照到田面,就像对一切给与无限的生意,一条田岸,一方泥土,和农人手里的一柄锄头,都似乎物质里面含有内在的精神。
      Soft serene sunshine lit up the soil as if giving boundless vi-tality to all creation. All matter--whether each bank, each plotof land or each hoe in a peasant'S hands--seemed to have a life ofits own.

14. danci.911chaxun.com

14. 例句1。淡紫红色轻淡、适度或明亮的紫罗兰色,适度或深红紫色
      A moderate, light, or brilliant violet to moderate or deep reddish purple.

15. 轻淡的翻译

15. 新鲜材时具轻淡芳香味。
      PROPERTIES:With slight odor when fresh.

16. 轻淡在线翻译

16. 酒体:是葡萄酒在口腔中造成的厚薄感&或轻淡、或厚重。
      Body: is the impression of a wine's weight in the mouth & light or full-bodied.

17. 此种葡萄酿制出来的葡萄酒从桃红色品种到轻淡的甜酒,直至经过橡木桶陈年,酒体丰满,富有成熟的草莓和麻辣口味的葡萄酒种类。
      The grapes can produce wines that range from pale pink and slightly sweet to serious oak aged, full-bodied wines that are rich with ripe berry and spice flavors.

18. 轻淡什么意思

18. 埃德温娜回过头来吃她的早餐&油味轻淡的煎鸡蛋和英国式烤松饼。烧热煎饼用橄油煎香羊柳外皮至有颜色到三成熟,离火斜切片,保持温热。
      Edwina returned her attention to breakfast-lightly scrambled eggs and toasted English muffins. Sear lamb loin in a hot pan with a little olive oil until medium rare. Remove and slice into diagonal pieces. Keep warm.

19. 在这样做时,婴儿的熟悉基本颜色,以便识别轻淡柔和的颜色粉饰起居室遵循在不久的将来。
      In doing this, baby's become familiar with primary colours so that recognition of pastel colours follows shortly after.

20. 传给我们听得时候,变成了故事,好像很轻淡的样子。
      We could hear the experience, into a story, seem very light.