

过劲 双语例句

1. 过劲是什么意思

1. 当我缓过劲来的时候,我感觉好像回家一样。

2. 过劲的意思

2. 我还没有缓过劲来。
    I haven't got over it yet.

3. 过劲

3. 最痛苦的时刻已经过去,我缓过劲来了。
    The worst is over. I am an animal again.

4. 我还没缓过劲来。
    I`m still in shock.

5. 过劲的解释

5. 他们疯狂进攻,我还没缓过劲来他们到底是如何赢得比赛的。
    It is crazy and I still wonder how Phoenix managed to win.

6. 等她稍微缓过劲来,她告诉我们她病了一场。
    After the old woman had recovered somewhat, she told us that she had been ill.

7. 想等缓过劲就下去。
    Like so got it together to go.

8. 从开始计划生育控制人口到现在,人还是越来越多,这使北京的城市喘不过气来,使这个城市的交通越越紧张,出入越来越不便,办事要排几个小时的队等现象依然占据了重点,让人产生了心里上的恐惧感,虽然交通便利,城市繁荣昌盛,科技技术发达,人们的生活质量普遍提高了,但在这个具备的条件下,人越来越自私,越来越降低了本身的素质,开车不遵守交通规则,针缝就插车,见路口就闯灯,无论是大轿车小轿车,无论是高速路或限速路,无论是开车技术高于低,只要趴在路上耍兜风派族,装老大酷,兴奋过劲把油门当杀车踩,被追了尾谩骂追尾的冤大头,稿得道路一塌糊浆,更把辛苦的交警不当人又 Q 到事故现场,冤大头就是冤大头,满面汗淋漓,低头认错,这还不够,交警按照交通规则出示罚单,扣压了驾驶证,负全部责任,冤大头红着脸还得低三下四的道谦,给人家修车,自己半个月不能开车。
    Driving a truck or a car, they want to be cool when they are driving, taking no account of the road, regardless of their driving skills.

9. 911查询·英语单词

9. 建立一个完善的销售网络,树立强势的品牌形象,那么不仅可以促进主力产品的销售,而且企业的跟进产品也能够在这个网络进行销售;第二阶段是寻求快速发展的阶段,企业在对行业和产品的了解达到了一定的程度,有了资金、经验、人力等方面的积累之后,最好能够快速进行市场拓展,如果在这个阶段还慢条斯理地往前走,就有贻误战机之嫌,等竞争对手缓过劲来,或者有竞争对手迅速跟进,大发展的难度就非常之大了;第三个阶段是全面整固、完善阶段,企业市场经过一定阶段的快速发展之后,通过对市场地位、市场发展状况进行全面的评估,努力消除制约市场发展的不利因素,通过精耕细作,全面挖潜,使经营成果不断提高。
    The second stage is that we find way to develop fast. We had better expand market share when we make everything prepared, such as funds, experience and human beings, choose the chance to develop without any hesitate or we will lose a good chance to break our opponents away if they catch up with us. The third stage is the stage to consolidate and develop. We should do enough evaluation at this stage, find out problems and solve them at time, improve our running ways and get big accomplishments.

10. 炉火使手指缓过劲来了,但对他肚子里的那团凉气却无济于事。
    The heat brought his fingers back to life, but did nothing for the cold lump in the pit of his stomach.

11. danci.911cha.com

11. 经验证明,由房地产泡沫化引起的经济危机,需要好多年才能缓过劲来。
      Proof experience in real estate bubble, caused by economic crisis, need good years to slow lead strength.

12. 过劲什么意思

12. 得知她去世的消息我惊愕不已,很长时间才缓过劲来。
      It took me a very long time to get over the shock of her death.

13. 这个邻国尚未从20多年前的内战中缓过劲来。
      The neighboring country has yet to recover from its civil war more than twenty years ago.

14. 在橄榄球界,新奥尔良圣徒队(NewOrleansSaints)不会很快就从美国橄榄球联盟(NFL)对其的处罚和禁赛中缓过劲来&该球队制订的奖励伤害对方队员行为的制度简直骇人听闻。
      In football, the New Orleans Saints will not soon recover from the penalties and suspensions imposed by the NFL for the team's outrageous system of bounties for disabling opposing players.

15. 今年早些时,塔塔咨询服务称它在华尔街的两家银行客户冻结了其科技支出,并表示在从信贷危机中缓过劲来之前不会解冻。
      Earlier this year, TCS said two Wall Street banking clients had put a freeze on their tech spending until they could cope with the fallout.

16. 得要浇浇花草,或许还要挨个儿瞅瞅,恍若它们已化为鲜活的个人。这样慢慢的缓过劲来,便重新找回了自我。
      It has to be recaptured slowly by watering the plants and perhaps, by looking again at each one as though it were a person.