过年[guò nián]
词典celebrate the New Year:过年。
词典celebrate the Spring Festival:过年。
词典spend the Spring Festival
过年[guò nián]
celebrate the New Year; celebrate the Spring Festival; spend the New Year; spend the Spring Festival:
例:今年过年, 全城都将放焰火。
The whole city will celebrate the New Year with fireworks.
It'll soon be New Year.
He'll be home for the Spring Festival.
过年[guò nian]
[口] next year:
My daughter's going to work next year.
1. guonian:转两篇: 我和她聊得最多的是 ...过年(guo nian)的时候我爸给我说经过了他们那个年代的人有个特征看到厚皮菜再好吃都不会尺苹口闹饥荒的时候厚皮菜是救命菜吃伤了.从六点钟开(cong liu dian zhong kai)始母亲就不断地把早已做好的菜一遍又一遍地加热,
2. 过年的反义词
2. Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival:元宵节 The Lantern Festival | 过年 Guo-nian; have the Spring Festival | 对联 poetic couplet: two successive rhyming lines in poetry
3. celebrate the spring festival:7.. 除夕(农历十二月三十日)New Year's Eve | 过年 celebrate the spring festival | 春联 spring festival couplets
4. Spring Festival:22 哀伤 Grief | 23 过年 Spring Festival | 24 沙漠驼队 Desert Camel Team