

过街老鼠[guò jiē lǎo shǔ]

词典When a rat runs across the street everybody cries, “Kill it!” -- a person hated by everyone.

过街老鼠 汉英大词典

过街老鼠[guò jiē lǎo shǔ]

When a rat runs across the street everybody cries, “Kill it!” -- a person hated by everyone.

过街老鼠 双语例句

1. 过街老鼠

1. 今天,他们像过街老鼠人人喊打。一辆破烂的雪弗来,驶过了市中心。
    Today, they are like a rat scampering in the street which everybody wants to beat up

2. \u0039\u0031\u0031\u67E5\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD

2. 他很可能是对的:自我管理在各行各业已成为过街老鼠,最近在议会发生的事也令人沮丧。
    He is probably right in this: self-regulation is on the run in most walks of life, and recent experience of it in Parliament is dispiriting.

3. 过街老鼠的反义词

3. 如果网络弊大于利,那网络不如过街老鼠一般人人喊打了吗?
    If the network does more harm than good, and that the network as a general hatred of the enemies it?

4. 过街老鼠的翻译

4. 两个女孩衣衫褴褛,就像过街老鼠
    Two girls raggedy as rats live across the street.

5. 一旦被她们发现则人人喊打,小刘成了过街老鼠,好几次抱头鼠窜,狼狈不堪。
    Found everyone cries'kill it', the person hated by everyone of little Liu Cheng, scurry off like a frightened rat several times by them, in a dilemma.

6. 很少有一家央行宛如过街老鼠人人喊打。
    RARELY has a central bank been lambasted so loudly by so many.