



运命 网络解释

1. Schicksal:别离 Abschied | 运命 Schicksal | 真红 Reiner Rubin

2. 运命在线翻译

2. destiny:destination 目的地 | destiny 運命 | destroy 破壊する

3. fate:family style 家风 | fate 运命 | feeling 受蕴

4. unmia:unlut 韻律 | unmia 運命 | unmua 隱瞞

运命 双语例句

1. 月升日落,晨夕福祸,情真难得,运命自握。
    Which adhere to my endless love for you.

2. 创始时候既己背时,失败时候当然无可告语,而其后却连这三个人也都为各自的运命所驱策,不能在一处纵谈将来的好梦了,这就是我们的并未产生的《新生》的结局。
    Since we had started our magazine at an unlucky hour, there was naturally no one to whom we could complain when we failed; but later even we three were destined to part, and our discussions of a dream future had to cease.

3. 运命的近义词

3. 去吧,晚安!你的运命在此一举:你必须在巡逻者没有开始查缉以前脱身,否则就得在黎明时候化装逃走。你就在曼多亚安下身来;我可以找到你的仆人,倘使这儿有什么关于你的好消息,我会叫他随时通知你。把你的手给我。时候不早了,再会吧。
    Go hence; good night; and here stands all your state: Either be gone before the watch be set, or by the break of day disguised from hence: Sojourn in Mantua; I'll find out your man, and he shall signify from time to time every good hap to you that chances here: Give me thy hand; 'tis late: farewell; good night.

4. 但浪过后,是新的运命,新的潮汐。
    But after that, there is new faith and new lives...

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5. 希望是我道路,胜利是我运命
    Hope is my road, victory my destiny!

6. 运命在线翻译

6. 我们应该感谢政府机构所能为我们提供的所有帮助,并且最好自己的运命自己负责。
    People should be grateful for whatever assistance that government can provide and had better do what they can to be responsible for their own fates.

7. 我不能回头,运命驱策着我!
    I can not go back, Wan Ming drive me!

8. 还有最坏的要来运命
    The worst is still to come.

9. 她的情况没法作出正常的反抗,可是她必须搞定这一切,否则,她会失去对她自己生活和运命的控制。
    She was in no condition for a standing fight, but she must manage one, or she would lose control of her own life, and her fortune.

10. 凡夫是「命运」随业转,觉悟的人则能「运命」。
    Ordinary people are governed by their karma, while the enlightened ones dictate their own life.

11. 这种理论是和运命或必然的观念联系在一片的。
      The theory is connected with the idea of fate or necessity.

12. 运命什么意思

12. 没能人能控制你的命运,只有你才是运命运的主宰。
      Nobody can control your destiny, only you are the master of your destiny.