


词典continued proportion连比例。

连比 网络解释

1. continued ratio:continued proportion 连比例 | continued ratio 连比 | continuity 连续性

2. 连比的翻译

2. ol:okupi 占领;致力于;忙于[~o职业] | ol [连]比 | -on- [后缀]...分之一

3. 连比的近义词

3. continued proportion:continued product 连乘积 | continued proportion 连比 | continued ratio 连比

4. lianbi.net:jingba.net 竟把(jing ba) | lianbi.net 连比(lian bi) | wainin.net 外您(wai nin)

连比 双语例句

1. 911查询·英语单词

1. 他的两场胜利,这甚至连比尔克林顿都匹配不上。
    Power only two generations since the end of Jim Crow.

2. 连比的翻译

2. 这个足球迷正试图连比带划地把他在电视上看到的比赛讲出来。
    The football fan is trying to act out the match he saw on TV.

3. 这个足球迷正试图连比带划地把他在电视上看到的比赛讲出来。
    The children were told to act out their favorite story.

4. 911chaxun查询·英语单词大全

4. eg:半个小时过去了,他连比都没动。
    Half an hour having passed, he hadn't so much as even started writing.

5. 这个足球迷正试图连比带划地把他在电视上看到的比赛讲出来。
    H_y Gi_yeF0 The football fan is trying to act out the match he saw on TV.

6. 连比的翻译

6. 但经济消息接连比预期糟糕,强化了更大幅度降息的理由。
    But consistently gloomier-than-expected economic news is strengthening the case for a larger cut.

7. 贾斯廷我们连比赛规则都不懂,怎么能打败你呢?
    How do we defeat you when we don't even know the game?

8. 中国人现在因为改革开放弄得都很谦虚,对国外来的东西很愿意吸收,给酒就喝、给饼子就吃、给电影就看,就连比我们老的在外面混不动的,也都回来指指点点:你这样不好,那样不对,窝头得这样吃,榨菜得那样咽。
    Chinese people became very conservative during the reform and opening, and became reluctant to accept new or exotic things.