

Many mud;
迷泥 双语例句

1. 邹建飞把自己的妻子在聚餐的时候介绍给大家的那会,所有人都投去了羡慕的眼光,清纯可爱乖巧是见过他老婆的人对她一直的观点和评价,而坐旁边的易夕在孟菲的陪同下早已喝的烂醉迷泥,沈兰夫妇也抱着徐兰蕙,从西吕回到恩宇参加难得的一次聚会,加上易晨和雷柔飞两家六口人,当初的热闹场面再次沸腾了起来,陈华刚看结婚的结婚,生子的生子,不免埋怨love过去重视事业,忘给他陈家增添香火,看两人小声嘀咕着,应邀而来的陈刚夫妇也乐开了怀,再看看杨晓雪挺住五个月的大肚子,惹得david非要和她订娃娃亲,一群人仿似又回到了孟菲刚认识那会的状态,礼节中不失调侃,温馨中有了些悲伤。
    Zou fly his own wife when the dinner that will be introduced to everyone, everyone went to cast envious eyes, pure and lovely and well-behaved are those who have seen his wife for her point of view has always been and evaluation, while sitting next to Yi Xi In the Meng Fei, accompanied by long drink, drunk fans mud, his wife is also holding Lan-Lan Shen Loh, representatives from the En-yu Xilv returned to participate in a rare gathering, plus morning and Leirou easy to fly two of six people, the original boil up once again bustling scene, Chen Huagang to see get married get married, have children's children, and can not help but complain about the past, attention to the cause of love, and forgot to give him added Chen incense, watching two men whispered invited couples are happy to come Chen Gang opened the Huai, and then take a look at YANG Xiaoxue hold on for five months pregnant, prompting david Wawa Qin insisted and she set a group of people seem back to Memphis just know it would state, courtesy of losing laugh, warm With some sadness in.